njRat malware
Technical details of njRat malware
Malware didn’t exist in virus total as shown in figure
The following table contains list of artifacts that had been analyzed within
this document.
PE timestamp |
Md5 |
Size in bytes |
Filename |
Description |
Thu Jun 25
03:38:24 2020
BD5358AD05577CF798B3EABBBC9029B7 |
1506554 bytes |
Discord Card.exe |
Dropper |
njRAT is a remote access Trojan. It is one of the most widely accessible
RATs on the market that features an abundance of educational information.so
nJRAT has 3 stages. First stage contains dropper of nJRAT after that malware
files overwrites itself multiple times then creates clear malicious code which
enable attacker get control of machine remotely.
First Stage
It gets processes called SetDllDirectoryW and
SetDefaultDllDirectories as shown in figure
It resolves
a lot of dll libraries as shown in figure below.
It gets
operating system version as shown in figure below.
It gets
information about any valid
installed or available code page as shown in figure below.
It sets new environment
variable called "sfxcmd" as shown in figure below.
It sets another
environment variable called "sfxpar" as shown in figure below.
It sets new variable
called "sfxname" as shown in figure below.
It gets
current date and time including minutes and seconds based on pattern as shown
in figure below.
It unlocks
resource called png as shown in figure below.
It control
current window using GetDC ,GetWindowLongW and GetWindow as shown in figures
It creates
new file called __tmp_rar_sfx_access_check_ as
shown in figure with the following parameters as shown in table below.
hTemplateFile |
dwFlagsAndAttributes |
dwCreationDisposition |
dwDesiredAccess |
lpSecurityAttributes |
dwShareMode |
lpFileNam |
__tmp_rar_sfx_access_check_0 |
It map to
new file called winrarsfxmappingfile.tmp and run
it as shown in figure below.
It creates
child process called flone.exe and created
new path in temp called RarSFX1 as shown in figure below.
It drops new
file called at temp path called flone.exe as
shown in figure below.
Based on
import table of FLone.exe file, you will discover that file is packed.
If you try
to check strings of file you will see it resolves dll during runtime of
Flone.exe file as shown in figure below.
It creates
new file called chrome.exe at roaming path as
shown in figures below.
- Both files are in hidden mode.
- Chrome.exe file is exactly same Flone.exe file as shown in two figures below.
Chrome file is packed and it resolves whole code of file during runtime.
After you unpacked it, you will get malicious clear .Net file.
PE timestamp |
Md5 |
Size in bytes |
Filename |
Description |
Wed Mar 24
06:41:49 2021
C15C14868D8BB70DD030A12C467FBC9A |
3916288 bytes |
Chrome.exe |
File didn’t exist
in virus total as shown in figure below.
It connects
to malicious domain called "8.tcp.ngrok.io" as shown in figure below.
Domain |
"8.tcp.ngrok.io" |
Some vendors
detect this domain in virus total.
Important Function of malware
- get_Computer
- get_Application
- get_User
- get_WebServices
- GetHashCode
- get_GetInstance
- GetForegroundWindow
- GetVolumeInformationA
- GetWindowTextA
- GetWindowTextLengthA
- capGetDriverDescriptionA
- CompDir
- connect
- BlockInput
- SendMessage
- SetWindowPos
- GetAsyncKeyState
- GetKeyboardLayout
- GetKeyboardState
- GetWindowThreadProcessId
- MapVirtualKey
- EnableWindow
- EnumChildWindows
- EnumChild
You can’t
kill malware process as shown in figure below because it disables end process.
But you can terminate it using CMD as shown in figure below.
If you wanna learn malware analysis you can check my YouTube channel I'm trying publish analysis of malware and some methods to analysis malwares.
Please don't forgot subscribe my channel Than you ♥
YouTube channel
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Malware/comments/hcrnts/remote_access_trojan_njrat_malware_analysis/.
- https://cert.bournemouth.ac.uk/njrat-malware-analysis/.
- https://blogs.infoblox.com/cyber-threat-intelligence/njrat-malspam-campaign/.
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